
The surface of the sun. Antique print,1893 by Jules Janssen

Regular price £1,500.00

This is a rare item. Janssen was director of the French Government's astrophysical observatory at Meudon. His collection of solar photographs, from 1876 onwards were later published as Atlas de photographies solaires (1904).

Nov 22nd 2003 two of these antique (1893) carbon prints of the surface of the sun, taken at Meudon by Jules Janssen were sold at auction by Dominic Winter Auctions. One sold at £2,300 the other at £1,600

It bears a label stating 'presented by Sir E.A.A.K Cowell Stepney Bart. The overall measurement is 63 x 52 cm.

The print itself is in fair condition. There is one diagonal indented line, we hesitate to call it a scratch as it has not broken the surface. This is only really visible If the picture is held under a very bright light, you would not notice it upon normal viewing. There is a line across the picture which is slightly discoloured.

There is some staining to the frame and the mount. It is unglazed having obviously lost its glass at some point and there is a board missing from the back - see photos and video.

We are aware that the purchaser would have restoration costs. We are open to discussion on the final price. Contact us to enquire.

The price includes UK only shipping.

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