Getting to grips with Search Engine Optimization as a techno challenged creative

blog bloggers in wales creative blog creative website found and seek search engine optimisation SEO trudi petersen wales welsh blog welsh blog network

How to get to grips with search engine optimisation when you are a technologically  challenged creative who doesn't have enough money to pay a whole bunch of savvy experts to do it for you? That's our challenge for 2018.

Found and Seek is now just over a year old. We have learnt so much since we started out, not least of which is that we are utterly rubbish and maintaining a blog! We started off full of good intentions to blog every week but every week seemed to bring us more things to keep us busy and the blog kept getting put on the back burner. Do we start a new years resolution to blog every week? I am going to say yes though I suspect we will break this withing a short time but its good to start the year with a plan!

January is a strange time of year - after the excitement of Christmas it suddenly goes very, very quiet. We know that this is just a temporary lull in proceedings though and its a good chance to catch up with all those things that we never seem to fit it - the cleaning, fixing, reorganising, paperwork and admin.

I have been spending my time trying to get my head around  SEO. That's search engine optimisation for the uninitiated, the things you have to do to get your website recognised by Google (yes believe it or not lots of us don't know what it means).Our online shop is up and running and full of lovely things but we really need more people finding us so I have been immersing myself in a world I am still trying to understand and it is a challenge to put it mildly. I am OK until they start talking about algorithms and the like and then they may as well be talking Martian. I have also discovered that I clearly don't google like everyone else - words that I think of as likely keywords are usually miles off track. There's some useful stuff out there on the web for SEO virgins like me. I found this link from Search Engine Land good I also stumbled across a man called Neil Patel whose enthusiastic no nonsense explanations were appealing I am going to follow Neil's guidelines for the next 6 months - I'll let you know how it goes.

In the meantime dont forget we are out there on social media - twitetr, facebook, instagram - if you havn't followed us yet please do.

Trudi  x

pearl and trudi petersen

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